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September 3, 2006

The continuing crowding problems in California

As discussed here, earlier this summer, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called California's legislature into special session to address prison overcrowding problems.  But, as this article explains, no solutions were engineered:

Lawmakers returned to their districts Friday after a package of prison proposals died when the state Assembly did not vote on them and adjourned the legislative session for a year. Despite furious negotiations during the last few weeks, neither Schwarzenegger's proposal to spend $6 billion on new prison facilities nor a scaled-back Democratic counterproposal gained consensus.

Some related posts:

September 3, 2006 at 07:40 AM | Permalink


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Is there any truth to the rumor that the CDC will begin to reduce overcrowding by 1) lowering time served from 85% to 65% and
2) start shipping lifers out of state to private prisons?
Thank you.

Posted by: leslie | Sep 22, 2006 12:43:01 PM

I would like to know the answer to Leslie's question. I'm a parent of an inmate. If someone knows, please post the answer here.


Posted by: Kim | Nov 17, 2006 7:22:33 AM

The best answer for leslie & kim is to contact
the Senator in your area their office can give you answers. If not Gloria Romero's office is great in Los Angeles 323-881-0100 in Sacramento
916-651-4024 or Jackie Speier 916-651-4008 in
Sacramento and in San Francisco 415-557-7857.
I'am sure this can start you in the right direction take care.
San Jose

Posted by: Irene Rodriguez | Dec 12, 2006 6:00:10 PM

Concerned Mom of an inmate in this makes no sense system.

What they need to do is change this mandatory sentencing guidelines. It makes no sense that people are being thrown out of society for little or nothing. They are giving these people very stiff penalties which hasn't proven that it has curtailed crime. If in fact it was helping the prison system would not be overcrowded. Not just the min mand makes no sense but some of the laws don't make any sense. We are throwing people away because most of the time they have poor representation and then they expect the ones that are before the court to know the law, which is incredibly crazy, you still have attorneys that don't understand the law and the judges, and might as well say the legislatures that are passing these laws. Most of your lifers are ones that have had poor representation and most of the poor.

Posted by: Joann | Dec 17, 2006 5:55:02 PM

The Governor's prison package is based on politics and has no analytical basis. He proposes to spend billions on the construction and operation of additional prisons that are probably not needed. A documented massive county jail bed shortage of over 60,000 beds and the resulting shift of less serious offenders to the state prison system are the reason for the 16,200 prison bed shortage reported by the California Legislative Analysist. These "county jail inmates" occupy 30,000 to 40,000 prison beds. Deal with the county jail bed shortage and you eliminate prison overcrowding and make room for needed correctional programs in the prisons. If the Governor's package is adopted without examination, the California correctional system will become even more dysfunctional and flawed. The following recommendations from a group of former correctional agency executives and staff specialists offer proposed actions based on fact rather than politics. We believe these recommendations, if adopted would not only improve the California correctional system but would increase public protection and reduce costs.

Please open: www.rebuildcorrections.lincal.com for the report.

Posted by: Richard McKone | Mar 26, 2007 6:39:32 PM

Did anyone find out about the sentencing reform in California? 85% to 65%????

Posted by: Valerie | Apr 22, 2007 2:14:59 AM

I would like to know if the prison sentencing is going to be reduced from 85% to 65%. I think it is a great idea and would help with the overcrowding of prisons.

Posted by: Jacquelyn Douglas | Apr 26, 2008 11:03:24 PM

i have heard that a new law had passed that inmates only had to do 65% of their time is this true? Does it apply to all inmates?

Posted by: lynette | Sep 2, 2008 7:11:20 PM

i have a son that is in federal detection center and i had heard that they was gonna changed the sentecning time from 85% to 65% i would really like to know for sure if this is true

Posted by: janice | Aug 29, 2009 11:16:14 PM

i think that it would be a good thing because everyone should get a second chance i hope there will be a change because most of all the prisions and jails are over crowed

Posted by: janice | Aug 29, 2009 11:18:58 PM

i would want to know with the new law would it effect lifer also.....even they have when to board and got rejected for any reason would they be able to release also....what are the order are they releasing inmates....thank you

Posted by: lily | May 25, 2011 4:21:12 PM

Look a legislature needs to be passed on reducing inmates sentences from 85% to 65% specially if they are first time offenders....i have a brother in a california prison and he and several inmates always complain that california prisons rarely offer any sort of help to aid in their rehabilitation...california governor needs to realize that rehabilitation is not in having an inmate due as much time possible as he can..but in offering help upon inmates release...like aiding them in finding a job...trade technical training etc.. .

Posted by: Anthony | Mar 27, 2013 12:42:03 PM

Governor Brown...please realize that though inmates in california prison have to do 85% of their sentence...it is not helping california if in fact it was... california prisons wont be so overcrowded...if in fact the 85% percent inmates have to complete was dropped to 65%...it would help out california in a major way...what california needs to focus is on providing immates with help upon their release...N their formula of giving people as much time possible us clearly not helping....

Posted by: Anthony | Mar 27, 2013 12:56:04 PM

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