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September 21, 2006
White-collar sentencing season
This year, September is not only the season for great Saturday football and Supreme Court previews, but also for a lot of interesting white-collar federal sentencing action. Tom Kirkendall at Houston's Clear Thinkers is doing a great job keeping up with a lot of the action: this post notes the upcoming sentencing of Enron's Andrew Fastow (and links his sentencing memorandum), and this post provides lots of background for tomorrow's scheduled resentencing of Dynegy's Jamie Olis.
Folks following these cases closely should also be sure to check out this Fastow post at the WSJ Blog And Larry Ribstein at Ideoblog has insights here that conclude with this sentiment:
Andy Fastow, primary architect of the Enron debacle, who understood that he had little or no chance in court, and therefore turned witness, 10 years; Jamie Olis, bit player whose guilt was, at worst, marginal, and whose biggest mistake may have been insisting on his innocence, 24 years. Can any ends justify these means?
September 21, 2006 at 06:03 PM | Permalink
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Colorado made an interesting ruling yesterday allowing acquitted conduct to be considered in a criminal restitution award in a theft case which seems to have white collar crime facts: http://www.courts.state.co.us/coa/opinion/2006/2006q3/04CA0527.pdf
Posted by: ohwilleke | Sep 22, 2006 6:49:26 PM