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October 3, 2006

SCOTUS opening day fever ... read it!

I previewed here the criminal law cases argued today to open October Term 2006.  This AP report suggests that the argument regarding criminal history issues was quite interesting.  And now, hooray, you do not have to take the media's word for it: as SCOTUSblog notes here, the first same-day transcripts of morning oral arguments was made available here only about three hours after the conclusion of the hearing.

I now plan to take the transcripts of these two hearings to read at a local coffee shop.  I'll update this post if any passaged really catch my attention (and others should feel free to use the comments to do the same).

UPDATE:  The fact that these were same-day transcripts are perhaps their most exciting element.  There is a lot of heavy lifting in both arguments; the tenor of both point toward reversals, I think.

October 3, 2006 at 03:51 PM | Permalink


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2 things of interest:

1. the word index at the end of the transcript is a nice feature.

2. JUSTICE SCALIA: "Nobody thinks your client is really, you know, abstaining from tequila down in Mexico because he is on supervised release in the United States..."

Posted by: | Oct 3, 2006 4:46:08 PM

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