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October 2, 2006

Two big starts on Tuesday

Despite what this blog might suggest, I am still more of a sports fan than a law geek.  I know this because I am more excited that tomorrow starts the MLB playoffs than that tomorrow is also the start of a new SCOTUS term. 

Still, as highlighted in this effective SCOTUSblog post, the Supreme Court will start a new season of work with an argument of intrigue for sentencing fans.  In the combined arguments of Lopez v. Gonzales and  Toledo-Flores v. United States the Court will face an intricate guideline (and immigration) issue relating to the definition of an aggravated felony conviction under various federal laws.  Also, as detailed here at DPIC, tomorrow also brings arguments in Ornaski v. Belmontes, a capital case dealing with a narrow question that may only impact a handful of cases.

Enjoy the first pitches, everyone.

UPDATE:  This AP report previews the two SCOTUS criminal cases being argued on Tuesday.

October 2, 2006 at 10:10 PM | Permalink


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Posted by: Stanley Feldman | Oct 3, 2006 9:06:47 AM

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