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November 1, 2006
Exciting times at the USSC
I am off-line most of the next two days while in DC to participate in a set of exciting roundtables at the US Sentencing Commission to discuss possible ways to simplify the federal sentencing guidelines and to modify the intricate criminal history guidelines. I think these sorts of brainstorming sessions are a great idea, and I am grateful that the USSC has included me in this worthwhile endeavor.
In other exciting USSC news, the Commission has now scheduled for later this month a Public Hearing titled "Cocaine and Federal Sentencing Policy -- 2006." According to a USSC press release, the Commission plans to "hear from representatives of law enforcement, the legal community, the judiciary, interested community groups, and the scientific community to address issues associated with federal cocaine sentencing policy" all day on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 at the Georgetown University Law Center. I expect there will be more information on the USSC website as this important hearing approaches.
November 1, 2006 at 06:17 AM | Permalink
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