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November 28, 2006

Extensive FSR coverage of victims at sentencing and the CVRA

I am pleased to report that the first of two Federal Sentencing Reporter issues focused on victims is now available on-line here.  This issue (Volume 19, No. 1) is entitled "Victims and Sentencing I: Victim Impact Evidence, the Crime Victims' Rights Act and Kenna."  The contents of the Issue can be seen at this link or on this cover page

FSR editor Michael O'Hear deserves all the credit for assembling an amazing set of materials and commentary on an amazingly interesting and intricate set of issues.  And he assembled so much great stuff, that all of the second issue of Volume 19 will be covering victim-related issues.  (The Federal Sentencing Reporter can be ordered here and all recent issues can be accessed electronically here.) 

Other recent FSR issues:

November 28, 2006 at 12:47 PM | Permalink


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