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November 28, 2006

Report on juve detention from JPI

As detailed in this press release, the Justice Policy Institute, a public-policy group that studies adult and juvenile justice policies, has released a new report about the impact of juvenile detention.  The new report is entitled "The Dangers of Detention: The Impact of Incarcerating Youth in Detention and Other Secure Facilities" and is available at this link.  Here is how the press release promotes and describes the report's findings:

Inappropriately incarcerating youth in secure detention centers across the country can contribute to their future delinquent behavior and harm their education, employment and health, according to a new policy brief to be released on Nov. 28 at a major national conference promoting alternatives to detention.  [The report] shows that rather than promoting public safety, detention — the pretrial "jailing" of youth not yet found delinquent — may contribute to future offenses.  Studies from around the country show that incarcerated youth have higher recidivism rates than youth supervised in other kinds of settings.

November 28, 2006 at 10:08 AM | Permalink


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