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November 7, 2006
The blogosphere on shame and banishment
The blogosphere can often adding interesting insights to debates over alternatives to incarceration, and here are some recent examples:
- Corrections Sentencing, which always has so much good reading, has this great post entitled "How Not to Shame." The post discusses a recent case in which a defendant was ordered to wear a t-shirt saying "I am a registered sex offender," and astutely argues "that we need more than a simple 'it's good/it's bad' debate over shaming."
- Meanwhile, this post at Marginal Revolution and this follow-up at The Volokh Conspiracy have some interesting thoughts (and interesting comments by readers) about banishment as a punishment.
UPDATE: Corey Yung at the blog Sex Crimes has this thoughtful extended entry on banishment punishments in the US.
November 7, 2006 at 06:27 AM | Permalink
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» Banishment in the United States from Sex Crimes
One subject I am focusing on in my scholarship is the connection between sex offender residency restrictions and the historical punishment of banishment. As a result, I've done a fair amount of research on the subject of the legality of [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 7, 2006 10:40:05 AM
» The Scarlet T-Shirt from Sex Crimes
There has already been some coverage around the blogosphere about this case, but since it is relevant to the topic here, I thought I'd mention it. From a news account:In a modern day version of the Scarlet Letter, Delaware Superior [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 8, 2006 10:27:35 AM