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November 12, 2006
The person behind Claiborne
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch has this short article providing a bit of background on Mario Claiborne and highlighting the crimes and sentencing debates that have brought his case before the Supreme Court. Though a sound piece, I am hoping someone will do a more in-depth story about Mr. Claiborne. I am wondering, for example, if he has completed his 15-month sentence and what he is doing now. I am also wondering whether he plans to attend the SCOTUS oral argument concerning his case (and his fate) in February.
UPDATE: A helpful reader pointed me to this link showing that Mario Claiborne has been free from federal custody since May 1, 2006. He was sentenced and remanded on March 28, 2005, and thus served less than his full 15 months in prison presumably because of earning good time credits while in custody. Had he been given a guideline sentence, Mr. Claiborne would not have been realeased until sometime in 2008.
November 12, 2006 at 07:13 AM | Permalink
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