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December 28, 2006

Another ugly day in the Eighth Circuit for defendants

The Eighth Circuit continues to play bad Santa; with new opinions today, the circuit has now ruled against criminal defendants in nearly a dozen cases this holiday week.  Two sentencing rulings today are especially telling:

December 28, 2006 at 01:26 PM | Permalink


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Plaza's sentence could not be deemed harmless error because a serious felon (albeit one who seemed to wise up) got a very unserious sentence. Meth is bad news. People involved in serious distrubition of it need to get more than 1 year in jail.

Posted by: federalist | Dec 29, 2006 12:04:44 AM

By your silence on Left Hand Bull are we to take it that you think a mistake resulting in a harsher sentence is always harmless? Can you begin to see why nobody takes you seriously here?

Posted by: | Dec 29, 2006 6:51:49 AM

I don't think you can take silence to mean anything.

Posted by: federalist | Dec 29, 2006 12:03:25 PM

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