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December 12, 2006

Detailed report on Washington's death penalty system

Thanks to the Death Penalty Information Center, I have discovered an interesting new report on the administration of the death penalty in Washington.  DPIC provides this background on the report:

The Death Penalty Subcommittee of the Committee on Public Defense of the Washington State Bar has prepared a report on the state's death penalty that will be submitted to the Bar Association's Board of Governors in early 2007.  The Subcommittee was formed to examine the costs of the state's death penalty and to recommend whether the death penalty should be continued, given the expenses and the state's experience in carrying out death sentences.  The Death Penalty Subcommittee was made up of supporters and opponents of the death penalty, all with extensive experience with the criminal justice system.

The full 41-page report is available at this link, and DPIC provides a summary of its findings and recommendations here.

December 12, 2006 at 07:02 AM | Permalink


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It would be a more humane criminal justice if more states like Washington Statedid away with the death penalty.

Posted by: Washington State | Apr 12, 2008 11:36:33 PM

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