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December 15, 2006

Governor Jeb Bush orders moratorium after botched execution

In the wake of Wednesday's ugly execution of Angel Diaz,  Florida Governor Jeb Bush issued Executive Order 06-260 (available here) and created the Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection.  The Commission is charged with reviewing the method in which lethal injection protocols are administered.  StandDown Texas Project continues its extraordinary coverage of the extraordinary events in Florida over the last 48 hours. 

If certain federal officials were really committed to a "culture of life," perhaps they might encourage Governor Bush's brother to create a similar Commission at the national level.  As I have noted before, the federal government has delayed its own scheduled executions because of lethal injection worries, and the litigation over lethal injection protocols are playing out in federal courtrooms nationwide.  The Supreme Court's cert grants suggests it views the administration of capital punishment as a matter of national concern.  Will the other federal branches ever follow suit?

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December 15, 2006 at 04:39 PM | Permalink


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