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December 27, 2006

PDs looking for a little blogosphere respect

This afternoon I received this heart-felt e-mail from a fellow blogger:

Recently there have been a slew of awards for legal blogs, the most recent being the Blawg Review Awards. The only thing the various awards had in common is that they completely ignored public defender blogs. It is something public defenders are used to, of course, being what one PD blogger described as "the dirt of the profession."

Last February I began the Public Defender Stuff blog to publish news involving public/indigent defense, and to bring together the incredibly diverse blogs of public/indigent defenders.  That led to the creation of the PD Blog Guide and a daily listing of every PD blogger who has posted since the previous day's listing. Now, in response to what Blawg Review has already described as an unfortunate oversight, Public Defender Stuff is hosting the inaugural Public Defender Blog Awards.

If you could find it in your heart to throw some poor bloggers a bone, would it be possible to mention the awards on Sentencing Law and Policy?  The link above will take you (and your readers) to the ballot, and voting is open until January 5.  Thank you very much for your consideration.


December 27, 2006 at 04:59 PM | Permalink


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Oh they complained a day or two early. "That Lawyer Dude Salutes" has a public defender blog award and I will be presenting my selections on Friday December 29th 2006 (assuming I have internet access, never a sure thing around here) Happy New Year Doug.

Posted by: That Lawyer Dude | Dec 27, 2006 8:08:11 PM

I'll never understand why we don't have "equal funding" rules whereby every dollar appropriated by state legislatures for district attorneys' offices/prosecutions should have matching funds for the public defenders' offices. $10,000,000 for the prosecutors and $10,000 for all PDs to share each year is not justice. Why should prosecutors get so much as a penny more than defenders? Smells like an equal protection problem, but I suppose it's probably not.

Posted by: Bruce | Dec 28, 2006 12:34:34 AM

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