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January 8, 2007

A prima facie case of cruel and unusual punishment?

Homerosimpsonwallpaperhomer1024 Thankfully, my hometown Columbus Dispatch was able to take a brief break from non-stop Buckeye football coverage to break this story about an obviously violation of the Constitution's prohibition of cruel and unusual punishments:

A deep-fried, sugar-coated fugitive from the food police is being sentenced to leave Franklin County's jails.  Jail officials say they're dropping doughnuts from inmates' menus because the county commissioners raised questions about their nutritional value and trans-fat content.  "Why prisoners need doughnuts, I don't know," said Commissioner Mary Jo Kilroy, who put a $55,000 annual doughnut contract on hold last month.

I think Homer Simpson might say they should call Franklin County's Commissioner Mary Jo Kill-joy!! 

(Can you tell I am getting a bit punchy waiting for the big game?)

January 8, 2007 at 03:21 PM | Permalink


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Virginia decided to cut costs by giving prisoners some pretty unappealing fare and only twice per day. There were unhappy times in the Big House.

Posted by: federalist | Jan 8, 2007 3:32:02 PM

I'm sure they ran plenty of Buckeye-related cruel & unusual punishment stories this morning!

Posted by: Anne | Jan 9, 2007 8:18:26 AM

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