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January 22, 2007

(All?) bottom-side briefs for Claiborne and Rita

Thanks to many kind readers, I now have received multiple copies of the government's briefs and the US Sentencing Commission's brief filed today in Claiborne and Rita.  I provide them for download here:

Download claiborne_sg_brief.pdf

Download rita_brief.pdf

Download ussc_amicus_brief.pdf

I am not certain if this comprises the total of all the briefs filed in Claiborne and Rita (and I have left out some of the appendices).  I will post any other amici briefs filed today upon discovery.  And commentary on these defenses of the federal guidelines will follow as time an energy permits.

January 22, 2007 at 10:41 PM | Permalink


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I hope those weren't the actual briefs filed by the S.G.'s office, since neither of them have a table of contents.

Posted by: Harry Niska | Jan 23, 2007 11:40:01 AM

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