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January 27, 2007

CNN covers Genarlow Wilson case, who's next?

CNN now has this lengthy video providing lots of background on the Genarlow Wilson case, which includes interviews with Wilson and prosecutor Eddie Barker.  It also details the start of legislative efforts to do justice.

Though the CNN piece effectively covers the basics of the case, it continues the failure of the media or anyone else to pressure the prosecutor to seek true justice.  The CNN reporter indicates that the prosecutor is willing to cut Wilson's sentence down to five years, but then never follows up to ask why the prosecutor believes that a five-year sentence is appropriate for Wilson having consensual oral sex with a fellow teenage.  Grrr!

Now that Wilson's plight is getting more coverage with ESPN and now CNN doing stories, I am wondering when powerful celebrities might use their clout to help achieve justice for Wilson.  As I recall, some celebrities spoke out for the murderer Tookie Williams.  Where are they now when a young kid who never hurt anyone needs help? 

Though perhaps I put too much faith in the power of celebrities, a little attention from the likes of Angelina Jolie or Bono or Donald Trump (all of whom, I suspect, are supporters of consensual sex) might really make a difference.  Where is Oprah when we really need her?

Some recent related posts:

January 27, 2007 at 01:06 PM | Permalink


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» Genarlow Wilson case ends better than most from Cool Hands
Thank you to the people who carried the torch on this one~! Given the racialized environment in which the case was brought, all people could do was hope that a higher court would exercise better judgment. Bravo to Judge Thomas H. Wilson and the lawye... [Read More]

Tracked on Jun 15, 2007 4:29:15 PM


The problem is it WAS all constituional and legal. It would have been nice if the prosecutor had not been a power maniac and the jury had been infomed of the right of nullification. Hopefully the legislature will now do something. I explained all this on my blog.


Posted by: Becky | Jan 27, 2007 4:58:55 PM

Why not appeal on equal protection grounds as in California under People v. Hofsheier (2006) 37 Cal.4th 1185?

Did anyone raise the equal protection issue?

Posted by: George | Jan 28, 2007 12:39:27 AM

I wrote about this story last week, and just found your sentencing blog. Thanks for the tip to the CNN story!

I "sat" on it for a month - thinking I would cool off. I didn't.

I'm a University of Washington COM professor who writes about politics for About.com.

Posted by: Kathy | Jan 29, 2007 10:27:45 PM

Heather Has 5 Husbands Author Pledges Royalties To Imprisoned Teen's Defense

New Jersey- Heather Has 5 Husbands is billed by its author, Mike Drake, as "an adult bedtime story". "It's a simple tale" says Drake, "Inspired by a girl I know who had joked about being a polyandrist, or as she said, a reverse-polygamist". Filling fifty pages, the charming story is brought to life by the work of popular NY graffiti artist OH!, a mysterious underground figure who jealously guards his privacy.

Since he is known mainly for writing about retail procedures for magazines like ASB, an "adult bedtime story" may seem like a departure from his milieu, but Drake dismisses such comments, "I have many interests, and Heather Has 5 Husbands was such a popular story with my friends that I simply had to share it with the world. Especially since sharing it helps raise money for Genarlow Wilson and bring attention to his plight".

Genarlow Wilson is a young man serving a ten year prison sentence in Georgia for receiving consensual oral sex from a female schoolmate at a New Year's Eve party.

"It's a shocking and extremely frightening situation" says Drake, "I don't believe kids under eighteen should be having sex, but I also don't believe that a young man should have his life ruined because he did".

Drake has pledged 25% of his royalties from the sale of Heather Has 5 Husbands to Genarlow and/or his appeal fund. "State Representative Tyrone Brooks, the author of the Georgia statute that Genarlow was convicted under, has clarified that the law was intended to protect children from adult sexual predators, not to police teenage sex" said Drake, "Georgia has even amended the law to treat consensual oral sex, between teenagers no more than four years apart, as a misdemeanor. In light of these facts, I think Genarlow should be released. He has already spent 2 years in prison, that's twice the maximum amount one can be sentenced to for a misdemeanor in Georgia".

Heather Has 5 Husbands can be purchased through www.HeatherHas5Husbands.com and on Amazon.com. It is also available at Playtime in Edison NJ (home of The Adult Star Path Of Fame). To learn more about Genarlow Wilson, visit www.WilsonAppeal.com .

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Posted by: JaneCheu | Feb 2, 2007 12:06:02 AM

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