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January 9, 2007

First execution in 2007 on tap in Oklahoma

Despite a lot of nationwide hub-bub about lethal injection protocols about other death penalty uncertainties (details here), the first lethal injection execution of 2007 is likely to go forward in Oklahoma in a few hours. 

This AP story provides a lot of details on the horrific crime 15 years ago that landed Corey Duane Hamilton (and none of his co-defendants) on death row.  The article also notes that the "U.S. Supreme Court denied Hamilton's final appeals on Monday.  In a three-sentence order, the court said Justices David Souter and John Paul Stevens voted to grant a stay of execution."

UPDATE:  As detailed in this local account, the lethal injection execution went forward apparently without any difficulties.  The story recounts these intriguing final words from Hamilton: "I wish everyone could experience the love of God the way I have. I love everyone. To the victims' families, I pray that you have peace and all that you are in need of."

This Reuters article notes that the first of five Texas executions scheduled for January is slated to take place on Wednesday.

January 9, 2007 at 04:53 PM | Permalink


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The Okla. Courts have affirmed the constitutionality of Oklahoma's protocol. Hence it is not suprising that they would not stop this long overdue execution.

Posted by: federalist | Jan 9, 2007 5:32:47 PM

The AP story emphasizes the absurdity of the death penalty. Only one of the defendants is to be executed and the others get life. Are they any less culpable? And, then one of the bases for the denial of the 10th Cir. is a procedural ruling!!! Yes, let's stand on formality even tho the state is going to execute someone who was convicted on recanted testimony. While federalist will, no doubt, be orgasming at this execution, it is another sad commentary on 21st century America.

Posted by: Bernie Kleinman | Jan 9, 2007 10:55:15 PM

Thanks for the mental image, Bernie.

Posted by: federalist | Jan 9, 2007 11:35:26 PM

Avec plaisir.

Posted by: Bernie Kleinman | Jan 10, 2007 8:16:37 AM

Vous etes degoutant.

Posted by: | Jan 10, 2007 10:11:02 AM

According to the Tenth Circuit opinion, Hamilton shot the victims and the others did not. Yes, I would say that makes him more culpable.

Posted by: Kent Scheidegger | Jan 10, 2007 10:44:54 AM

Okay, Hamilton is "more culpable". Then how about Hamilton is executed by being drawn and quartered, and the others by hanging. That sounds fairer to me. And, anyway, it has been a few centuries since we had a really nice drawing and quartering. Might satisfy the blood lust of all those death penalty hawks out there. [And would make really great reality TV!]

Posted by: Bernie Kleinman | Jan 12, 2007 5:42:25 PM

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