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January 31, 2007
Important new Vera report on "Reconsidering Incarceration"
The always amazing Vera Institute of Justice has just released an important new study entitled "Reconsidering Incarceration: New Directions for Reducing Crime." It is available at this link, and here's a summary:
Little empirical study had been done to confirm or refute the effectiveness of incarceration in reducing crime rates when America began its historic reliance on prisons in the 1970s. Today, conversely, policymakers are faced with a large, complex, and sometimes contradictory body of research. This paper seeks to help officials make sense of this information and offers an up-to-date understanding of what works best. It also examines research on several of the other factors that might be developed as part of an expanded notion of public safety. Informed by this more inclusive understanding of current research, it suggests that effective public safety strategies should move away from an exclusive focus on incarceration to embrace other factors associated with low crime rates in a more comprehensive policy framework for safeguarding citizens.
Sounds like this report is speaking my language. I hope to have more commentary once I get to read it.
January 31, 2007 at 06:28 PM | Permalink
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I am a parent of a young 25 year old son that was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for conspirecy to distribute meth. He never had no drugs,but was on propation,had one year left of five.the only thing they had was a person caught with a lot of it and money.he named my son as one of his distributor. he was bringing it from out of state.they charged my son as if he was the one they caught. sentenced him to ten year, and some others ones that he named to 20 years, he only got 5 years.this was federal . a gross injustice.also Im looking for information on a bill in leglistation #3072 the november cololition to reduce the time served for federal prisoners, thats supose to go to congress.thank you
Posted by: Mary HURST | Feb 2, 2007 9:11:20 AM
Re: California Penal Code #188.
When PC #188 was enacted into Ca. Law, was it meant to be applied to traffic accidents?
That is, if a person drives in a reckless manner and causes a fatal accident, can they be charged with Murder 2 under this provision?
If so, then why are people not charged with attempted murder when there is no fatality even when all of the preconditions still exist, yet, by the grace of god, no one dies as a result of the accident?
Posted by: Lawrence Phipps | Mar 2, 2007 4:05:32 PM
My life literally depends on what happens in this situation. I am in the state of Mississppi and have been chraged with four felonies; Burglary, Armed Robbery, Breaking and Entering, and Kidnapping. There is no evidence of any this even happening. I will begin the story slowly here. In July of this year, and young woman whom will not be named, was going through very bad post pardom depression due to the fact that her husband at the time of her second child's birth pretty much sold the baby to a co-worker of his for a few grand. Well, about three months later the girl was in-concolable. We could get ther to talk to anyone, all she wanted was her baby back, which is completely understandable. She was trying to go through the court system to get the baby back and courts failed her evey time.
On the morning of July 21st 2007 I awoke to FBI at my house on Fort Bragg, NC, and the girl, the baby, and her sister, who is my best friend,all at my house. Needless to say I was a little shocked. There are four people that Mississippi went after, the mother of the baby, her sister, their father, and me. I was told that I had three warrants issued here, and that they would let me turn myself in, so I did, as to not sit in jail an extra two weeks for extradition. Anyway, we have four now been endited on these four felony chrages listed above. I need to know how they can endite with little no evidence of anything happening. There is an exploraory hearing coming up in couple of weeks and this is when the DA will present whatever concrete evidence they have against all of us. The other people involved are thinking of taking a plea, which I will not, I will fight this thing to the end, even if it means me going jail for a long time. I am completely disgusted with how the legal system works in this state. It is crooked. It's all about who know and who you don't. Thank you for reading my story, and any legal information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Posted by: | Dec 26, 2007 8:59:04 AM