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January 3, 2007

One effect of Saddam's execution...

has been to create an explosion in this blog's hit rate.  I'm not exactly sure why: I have not blogged about the Hussien's execution since these two posts over the weekend.  But, perhaps because of the robust comment thread here, it seems I have moved up to Google's first page if you search for Saddam execution video.  Also, it appears that the term "uncut" in the title of this post may bedriving search traffic to this blog.

I note this phenomenon in part because I am often amazed by how consistent this blog's hit rate usually is.  Most weekdays, this blog receives roughly 2000 to 2500 hits according to sitemeter, and even big sentencing events or links from other blogs rarely impact these number more than 10%.  (The one exception was the week Booker was decided; I had 20,000 hits on decision day, and roughly 10,000 hits a few days thereafter.  But the hit rate quickly returned to normal a few days later.)

I guess this is further proof that its a Google and utube world, we are all just living in it.

January 3, 2007 at 09:10 AM | Permalink


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