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January 18, 2007
Recaps of all the capital action
Fittingly, there was lots of death penalty action (including an execution in Texas and a stay in Indiana) to celebrate yesterday's killer anniversary. As I have highlightedbefore, I find that regular stops at three great death penalty blogs — Capital Defense Weekly and Ohio Death Penalty Information and StandDown Texas Project — is the best way to keep up with all the current capital happenings. In addition, Crime & Consequences has lots of capital coverage from a perspective distinct from these other DP blogs.
For anyone eager for some historical reflections, I have some links here at my Death Penalty Course blog to a few discussions of America's history with capital punishment. Also, I just noticed this extended article at Stateline.org covering lots of historical ground while providing a modern update on recent developments.
January 18, 2007 at 07:07 AM | Permalink
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