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February 15, 2007

A lethal injection roadtrip

This Reuters article details an interesting work trip being taken by California officials:

California penal officials are traveling nationwide to confer with experts to overcome a federal judge's objections to its execution procedure, the state's top prison official said on Thursday....  "I have people on my staff who are traveling around the country assessing our policies and procedures and what changes need to be made to be compliant with the court," James Tilton, secretary of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, said in an interview.  The courts "have indicated that they think there are improvements that can be made to pass the constitutionality and we are confident that we can do that now," he continued.  "By looking around the country we are think that we can provide some improvements to our process that will be compliant."

February 15, 2007 at 11:55 PM | Permalink


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I guess they have to make sure that they get the right wattage of lightbulb.

Posted by: federalist | Feb 16, 2007 10:38:52 AM

South Dakota's simply decided to use rent executioners from other states. Now _that's_ a road trip.

The Secretary's description makes this sound like a governmental meeting that should be subject to public records and and open meeting laws.

In any event, California should be the leader here.

Posted by: rothmatisseko | Feb 16, 2007 12:53:59 PM

Most states did and do take trips to Texas to that state's method for killing prisoners.

Maybe CA should wait for FL's _public_ commission to finish its work and avoid the problems similar to those caused by learning from Texas, which botched its first execution and many others since.

Posted by: rothmatisseko | Feb 16, 2007 12:59:22 PM

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