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February 6, 2007
AFDA federal sentencing audio webcast today
Self-promoting reminder: As noted here, my first AFDA audio webcast is scheduled for this morning (Feb. 6) at 12noon EST. The plan for this webcast is to provide an "informal, 60-minute discussion covering key developments in federal sentencing." The AFDA only charges a nominal fee for participating is made available free to all federal court personnel, federal public defenders, and full-time law professors and students.
PM UPDATE: Though there was a mid-session technical glitch, I enjoyed the opportunity to use the AFDA's audio webcast to prattle on about Booker, Cunningham and Claiborne and Rita through a different medium. If any readers listened in, I hope they wll provide feedback in the comments to this post. Thanks.
February 6, 2007 at 06:46 AM | Permalink
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Enjoyed the Webcast but the audio cut out badly at points.
Posted by: Bill Ibbotson | Feb 6, 2007 2:15:01 PM
Looking forward to the next one.
Posted by: Matthew Byrne | Feb 6, 2007 5:53:13 PM
Looking forward to the next one.
Posted by: Matthew Byrne | Feb 6, 2007 5:53:37 PM