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February 15, 2007
An interesting call for capital papers
I am pleased to pass along this announcement from the Justice System Journal calling for paper for an upcoming issue on capital punishment. Here's the start of the pitch:
The Justice System Journal, sponsored by the National Center for State Courts, will be publishing a special issue on aspects of capital punishment; the likely publication date is late 2008. The journal's editors would be interested in receiving proposals — from academics and practitioners alike — for possible articles for that special issue. A list of possible topics appears below; most relate to courts and actors in the courts, but suggestions for other topics will be considered. The journal does not publish normative or philosophical work or extended analyses of case law. There are no restrictions on the types of methodology used, but use of elaborate statistics in the final articles is discouraged. Prospective authors are reminded that, although academics read the Justice System Journal, the journal's primary audience is court administrators and other court practitioners.
February 15, 2007 at 12:58 PM | Permalink
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