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February 8, 2007
Considering faith-based corrections programming
Friday afternoon I am off to London.... London, Ohio, that is, to participate in this terrific seminar sponsored by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction on "Faith Based Programming, Reentry and Recidivism." As regular readers know, I am quite intrigued and even encouraged by the faith-based prison movement, and I will be explaining why I believe Establishment Clause issues should not unduly impede sensible efforts to do effective faith-based programming in prisons.
Some related posts:
- Interesting Ohio report on correctional faith-based initiatives
- The virtues of faith-based prisons
- Interesting examination of faith-based prison movement
- A thoughtful, but disappointing, attack on a faith-based prison program
- Religion, sentencing and corrections
- Sentencing and Religion
- Having faith in prisons
UPDATE: As this article notes, the major litigation from Iowa concerning the faith-based prison program operated by Prison Fellowship through a contract with InnerChange Freedom Initiative Inc. is coming up for oral argument in the Eighth Circuit next week. Interestingly, retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is on the panel slated to hear the arguments.
February 8, 2007 at 08:24 PM | Permalink
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The objection is not so much to faith based rehabilitation. Indeed, thinking about rehabitlition at all is a step forward. No, the objection, I think, is to the sweeping and pervasive effort toward an American Theocracy. And this is just one more step in that multi-tentacled effort.
Interestingly enough, Phillips argues that a dangerous Southern view dominates, and in relation to crime and sentencing, David M. Buss argues in The Murderer Next Door, citing studies done by Nisbett and Cohen (p 210-212), that the Southern view increases the murder rate!
Is it any wonder there is so much cognitive dissonance going on?
Posted by: George | Feb 9, 2007 3:23:30 PM