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February 10, 2007
Death penalty headlines galore
Once again, so much is going on the death penalty arena, all I can do is point to a few of many notable articles in the papers. Here are just some headlines that caught my eye this morning:
- From the Washington Post here, "The Dying Death Penalty?"
- From Florida here, "Lead Executioner in Botched Florida Lethal Injection Had No Medical Training"
- From North Carolina here, "Legislature takes first steps into fight over executions"
- From Tennessee here, "Fire extinguisher called for in lethal injections
Also, remember that Sunday's New York Times Magazine will have this article entitled, "The Needle and the Damage Done." Thanks to a link from ODPI, here's a great YouTube clip of Neil Young singing a great rendition of "The Needle and the Damage Done."
February 10, 2007 at 08:50 AM | Permalink
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