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February 3, 2007

Exciting AFDA webcast this Tuesday

I have been working recently on an exciting new kind of web programming with Gregory Nicolaysen, the founder of the Association of Federal Defense Attorneys (AFDA). As explained here, AFDA is "an Internet-based association for criminal defense attorneys, law professors, paralegals, investigators, and all other professionals associated with the field of federal criminal defense litigation."  Greg has kindly invited me to utilize (perhaps on a regular basis) the AFDA's cool Audio Webcast System.

As detailed here, my first audio webcast is scheduled for this Tuesday (Feb. 6) at 12noon EST.  The plan for this webcast is to provide an "informal, 60-minute discussion covering key developments in federal sentencing."   Unlike other groups seeking big bucks for such webcasts, the AFDA only charges a nominal fee for participating and the webcast is made available free to all federal court personnel, federal public defenders, and full-time law professors and students. 

I am grateful to Greg and the AFDA for putting this event together, and I am eager to do these sorts of user-friendly webcasts on a monthly basis if participants report a positive experience this Tuesday.

February 3, 2007 at 10:52 AM | Permalink


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Will this be in podcast format?

Posted by: | Feb 3, 2007 4:41:52 PM

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