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February 1, 2007
Great (short) sentencing report from Texas
Folks concerned about harsh sentencing and excessive use of incarceration have a lot of new additions to their reading lists. In addition to recent important reports from the Little Hoover Commission and from the Vera Institute, I just learned of a great new resource on Texas sentencing. The resource, available here, is a special report on the topic of state sentencing policy coming from the director of the Texas Office of Court Administration. Here is the set up:
In a nutshell, the [Texas] legislature confronts the first major decision between building additional prison capacity and other alternatives, since the building boom of over 100,000 beds culminated in 1995 and the state began to accept all "state ready" inmates from counties within 45 days. The legislature faces this decision after the demise of the Criminal Justice Policy Council in 2003, and in the absence of the unifying policy guidance that Dr. Fabelo provided.
In the first part of this report, I trace my own history of engagement with the issue of state sentencing, hopefully to inform today's debate from a historical perspective, but also to lay my own policy perspectives on the table. The other major themes in the report are (i) notable activity on state sentencing policy at the National Center for State Courts and elsewhere around the country, and (ii) constitutional issues to be aware of in the sentencing arena. For further background on the Texas situation, please see my recent summary, "Sentencing and Corrections: From Crowding to Equilibrium (and Back Again?)," in the March 2006 Texas Bar Journal, and other online resources listed in the final section below.
February 1, 2007 at 09:31 AM | Permalink
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Hi, my name is Greg Chapman; I am writting to you in hope that you may be able to help. My girlfriend is currently serving a 40 year sentence in Gatesville Texas. She was poorly represented and as a result ended up with a harsh sentence. Her case is currently in the State Court of Appeals. Un-fortunatly as you probably aware "Habeas Corpus" Does not often have a great success rate. Please have a look at Kim;s web-site www.KimelaTrump.com If you have any advice or information that may help, it would be greatly appriciated! Thanks
Sincerely; Greg Chapman
Posted by: Greg Chapman | Aug 9, 2007 6:59:20 PM
I don't know if it's too late but I have a copy of a Habeus Corpus that I can send you. I do a lot of legal stuff although I am not a lawyer (Liar).
Posted by: Greg Chapman | Jul 7, 2008 11:11:58 AM
I am a legal scholar.
Posted by: Greg | Jul 7, 2008 11:13:18 AM
I am a legal scholar.
Posted by: Greg | Jul 7, 2008 11:13:44 AM
I am a legal scholar.
Posted by: Greg | Jul 7, 2008 11:13:48 AM
I am a legal scholar.
Posted by: Greg | Jul 7, 2008 11:14:04 AM
I am a legal scholar.
Posted by: Greg | Jul 7, 2008 11:14:07 AM
Hi this is Greg Chapman; not sure what all that is about"I am a legal scholar"? I ndidn't put that there. It has been a year since I have written. The web sight has changed to www.kimelatrump.info Her case has resently appealed her case again we are waiting for a response. She is doing well all things concidered and has resently scored very high on a pre test for her GED. So she is planning to write very soon. She has completed several other courses as well. So now that we are getting her access to schoolng she has done very well. What a battle!?
Posted by: Greg Chapman | Jul 24, 2008 7:15:59 PM
Hi there; This is Greg again. It's been a year since I have written. Kim's web site has changed to www.kimelatrump.info Her lawyer has recently appealed her case again and we are waiting for a response. She is doing well all things concidered. She recently scored very high on a GED pre test and plans to write soon. She has completed several other courses as well. Now that we are able to get access to some courses for Kim she has done well at all of them. Please have a look at www.kimelatrump.info
Posted by: Greg Chapman | Jul 24, 2008 7:22:54 PM
I am a Psychiatric Nurse with a Certificate in Gerontology, interested in the growing population of Seniors in prisons. I am currently hired as a consultant for Seniors Mental Health. I also am aware of increasing admissions of the elderly with newly committed crimes. I would like to see a change in facility in addressing their changing care needs, also considering the degree of threat. Should there be a new trend, in developing and or utilizing suitable alternate settings...I would be interested in working with this population. Any ideas as to what courses will improve my knowledge and skill set..in order to potentially improve my odds of being a successful candidate in application?
Posted by: newest air jordans | Nov 29, 2010 2:53:02 AM