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February 12, 2007

More mile-high Booker insights

Last year the Denver University Law Review published Judge Michael McConnell's great insights on "The Booker Mess" (discussed here).   Now I have learned that another insightful Booker piece is in the works at the DULR in the form of a forthcoming law review comment from student Jeff Hurd, entitled "Federal Sentencing and the Uncertain Future of Reasonableness Review."  Jeff kindly arrange for advance posting in this space, and the piece can be downloaded below.  The comment laments the circuit courts' guideline-centric approach to reasonableness review since Booker (which is termed "Booker minimalism"), and provide another nice and valuable read as folks rev up for next week's oral arguments in Claiborne and Rita.

Download hurd_du_law_vol.84.3.pdf

February 12, 2007 at 11:57 PM | Permalink


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