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March 29, 2007

A new website inspired by Genarlow Wilson

I have not blogged about the Genarlow Wilson case much lately because there has not been much to report.  Despite a flurry of media coverage calling for Wilson's release (details here and here), Georgia officials have not responded and Wilson is now deep into his third year in prison serving a 10-year sentence for a crime that Georgia law now classifies as a misdemeanor subject to only 12 months imprisonment.

Meanwhile, Wilson's case has inspired the creation of a new non-profit organizarion called "My 5th," which has this intriguing new website.  The website's home page states, "With this website, blog and workshops, MY 5th wants to prevent you from paying the price for not knowing the law!!!! Use the law, don't let it use you!!!".  An intriguing and diverse set of individuals are on My 5th's board, and Wilson's lawyer is listed as the president and founder of the organization.  Not suprisingly, Wilson's case is featured here on the My 5th site.

Some related Genarlow Wilson posts:

March 29, 2007 at 04:30 PM | Permalink


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» A Glenarlow Wilson inspired website from apublicdefender.com
Prof. Berman points to a new website inspired by Glenarlow Wilson, called My 5th. One of the founders of the website is Wilsons lawyer. Wilson is the Georgia teen that is serving a ten year sentence for engaging in consensual oral ... [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 29, 2007 8:48:50 PM

» Genarlow Wilson Update from Sex Crimes
Sentencing Law Policy has continued to stay on top of the Wilson case. In his most recent post about Wilson, Professor Berman has a couple comments and refers us to a new website about the case:Georgia officials have not responded [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 2, 2007 11:06:32 AM


http://sexxearch.info x

Posted by: Zmajret | Jun 3, 2007 6:21:38 AM

genarlow wilson is a petifile and a pervert he deserves to stay in prison everybody is portraying him as this innocent boy if you seen the video the trueth comes out the law is there to protect children from people like him and somtimes from themselves mr wilsons parents should be ashamed of what he did and themselves for failing him he is and allways will be a pervert i thank god that as long as he is in prison he cant hurt anymore children

Posted by: james shaw | Jun 17, 2007 11:49:28 PM

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