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March 16, 2007

Details on USSC hearing

I am pleased to see that the US Sentencing Commission now has made available here the schedule and witnesses for it public hearing on Tuesday, March 20.  As I expected and feared, it appears that the entire hearing is going to focus on federal guideline trees and not examine at all the broader Booker forest. 

Of course, no matter what the Supreme Court does in Claiborne and Rita, the guideline trees will remain important (and, if you are interested in commentary on all the intricate guideline issues being examined, lots of federal defender commentary is available here).  But it sad and remarkable that the USSC has not had a single public hearing or event addressing or even directly examining Booker's import and impact in over two years.  Talk about staging Hamlet without the prince.

March 16, 2007 at 09:48 AM | Permalink


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