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March 3, 2007

Great readings all around the blogosphere

After a great day at a great conference yesterday, I am in catch-up mode on both the work and home fronts.  Thus, rather than try to collect a lot of the coverage of the many on-going sentencing stories, let me just point everyone to other blogs with lots of new goodies:

Also, everyone should check out this terrifically interesting post at blackprof about imprisonment.  Here's a highlight:

A while back, Tocqueville and an associate of his Gustave de Beaumont obtained permission to travel to the United States to examine their newly developed prison system. In 1835, Tocqueville published his famous work Democracy in America, which a significant part spoke of the elucidation of his views on crime and punishment. From his observations, conditions have not altered much from the times of the mass storage of mostly males of color for industrial benefit and without some type of rehabilitation....

Prison in America has not changed since the travels of Tocqueville and still have no benefit to the incarcerated, the community other than generating a criminal and uneducated segment of society that tend to be male and African American. Although many in the so-called hip-hop generation promote a culture that places incarceration on a pedestal, such is far from the truth.

March 3, 2007 at 10:27 AM | Permalink


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This was indeed a worthwhile comment on federal sentencing (ungrammatical title notwithstanding), BUT to read the comments appended is to be appalled..."whitey", and, of course, "the jews...networking".

These "black prof" bloggers must be the product of law schools that hoorayed when OJ was acquitted.

Posted by: Fluffy | Mar 4, 2007 5:56:47 AM

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