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March 10, 2007

Montana AG urging DP repeal

As detailed in this AP article, state prosecutors in Montana are supporting a bill to repeal the death penalty:

The death penalty no longer should be allowed in Montana, the attorney general's office said Friday in supporting a bill that would abolish capital punishment.  The threat of death does not deter criminals and the process involved in death penalty cases is long and expensive, Assistant Attorney General John Connor told the House Judiciary Committee.

"It seems to me to be the ultimate incongruity to say we respect life so much that we're going to dedicate all our money, all our resources, our legal expertise and our entire system to try and take your life.... Frankly, I just don't think I can do it anymore," he said.

Committee members took no immediate action on the bill, which would commute death sentences to life in prison and abolish capital punishment in the future. The measure passed the Democrat-controlled Senate last month.

March 10, 2007 at 05:27 PM | Permalink


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