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March 9, 2007

Remarkable Second Amendment ruling from DC Circuit

As Howard Bashman has well covered here and here, a divided three-judge D.C. Circuit panel today held that the District of Columbia's gun control laws violate individuals' Second Amendment rights.  I look forward to having a chance to read this important ruling eventually, but my first-cut reaction is to wonder whether this ruling could possibly impact severe felon-in-possession federal sentencing realities.

March 9, 2007 at 03:58 PM | Permalink


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I don't think federal criminal law will change much. The Fifth Circuit said the felon-in-possession law was compatible with an individual right to keep and bear arms.

Posted by: John Carr | Mar 9, 2007 4:52:49 PM

I agree with the post above. If a convicted felon can be deprived of other fundamental rights, including the right to vote, then I don't see why she cannot be denied her right to keep and bear arms.

Posted by: | Mar 9, 2007 4:57:53 PM

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