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March 29, 2007
Tracking the execution realities of 2007
Though there is constant chatter about capital punishment nationwide, I cannot help highlighting again that only one state is continuing to administer the death penalty.
As detailed in this Houston Chronicle story, Texas executed its tenth murderer of 2007 last night, and it has another execution scheduled for tonight and three more scheduled in April. (As discussed here, one of the scheduled April execution is a woman with a distinctive claim of innocence.)
Meanwhile, mostly as a result of lethal injection litigation, no other state in the country has executed anyone since an early January execution in Oklahoma. And over the last five months there have been only 3 execution outside Texas.
As detailed here at DPIC, these dynamics could change soon. There are federal and Ohio executions scheduled for April, and Tennessee and Nebraska have executions scheduled for May. But even if other states get back in the execution business, it seems likely that 2007 will have the fewest US executions in over a decade.
March 29, 2007 at 08:22 AM | Permalink
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I don't think "distinctive" is a fair description of Henderson's innocence claim. "BS" would be more like it.
Posted by: federalist | Mar 29, 2007 10:12:42 AM
"'BS' would be more like it."
Posted by: | Mar 29, 2007 1:17:57 PM
You know what, the evidence in that case showed the woman bashed this little boy's head in, and then callously ran away leaving the boy's parents to wonder what the hell happened to their son. And now, this creature has the temerity to lie about her crime . . . . and you have problems with me calling it BS. Whatever.
I am a Macedonian, I call a spade a spade.
Posted by: federalist | Mar 29, 2007 1:50:46 PM
Do you think that people that plead no guilty should automatically be given the death penalty because they "lied."
Posted by: S.cotus | Mar 29, 2007 2:36:05 PM
"I am a Macedonian, I call a spade a spade."
You just admitted to being a "rude and clownish" person. Apophthegms. Indeed.
Posted by: rothmatisseko | Mar 29, 2007 2:47:48 PM
Philip was being sarcastic when he uttered that line to the effete Athenian whining about Macedonian insults.
S.cotus: No. A not guilty plea is not a lie in the legal sense. Nor is lying to a court, in most cases, a death penalty offense. Do I need citation for those propositions?
Posted by: federalist | Mar 29, 2007 3:17:31 PM