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April 19, 2007

A bleg for a notable transcript

One of my students is working on a paper discussing child rape as a capital crime, and he is trying to get complete information about the crime and sentencing of Patrick Kennedy.  (Kennedy is the defendant from Louisiana who was the the first defendant (and I believe is still the only defendant so far) to be sentenced to death for a non-homicide crime in the modern death penalty era.) Here is what my student is having trouble finding:

The transcript of record I am looking for is from the Patrick Kennedy case referenced in Joanna D’Avella's article "Death Row for Child Rape".  It is note 2 and reads, "See Transcript of Record at 6068–69, State v. Kennedy, 854 So. 2d 296 (La. 2003) (No. 98-1425) [hereinafter Transcript of Record]."

Can anyone help us track down this item?  Thanks.

April 19, 2007 at 11:22 AM | Permalink


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Last week Professor Berman put out a call on behalf of one of his students for the Kennedy capital rape case transcript. This was the exact request:The transcript of record I am looking for is from the Patrick Kennedy case [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 23, 2007 9:15:23 PM


Call the court's clerk and ask if they know who the court reporter was.

Posted by: Elson | Apr 19, 2007 2:11:33 PM

I worked on this case briefly. You might try TJC/LCAC to see if they represented him during that portion of the proceedings and have a copy of the transcript:

636 Baronne Street
New Orleans La 70113 USA
Ph. +1 (504) 558 9867
Fax. +1 (504) 558 0378
[email protected]

Posted by: SBL | Apr 19, 2007 4:04:38 PM

Wouldn't the Cornell Law Review have this on file, if the source was cited in one of its articles? Ms. D'Avella is presumably on the staff of the Law Review. I'd suggest contacting the Law Review to find out how they checked the cite or how Ms. D'Avella got her hands on it. They may have the transcript sitting in a file drawer.

Posted by: | Apr 19, 2007 4:12:06 PM

relying on a reporter to give you the relevant facts will make a very uninteresting article. why not get the whole record, and read it?

Posted by: | Apr 19, 2007 5:48:13 PM

Kennedy was just argued in the LA Supremes, No. 2005-KA-1981, on 2/28/2007.

The docket sheet is online at http://www.lasc.org/docket/dockets/February2007.pdf & your student may want to contact counsel or the Clerk of Court for the appellate record which would likely have everything you want.

Good luck ! & make sure your students let us publish their works online somewhere.

- k

Posted by: karl | Apr 19, 2007 9:33:47 PM

ummm, that last line should have read "make sure your students let us READ THEIR published works online somewhere." I edited the sentence to fix a typo & completely changed the meaning to something a little too egotistic, my sincerest apologies.

Posted by: karl | Apr 19, 2007 10:46:53 PM

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