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April 9, 2007

ACS event on death in Texas

I just got a press release promoting this death penalty event sponsored by the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy.  Here's the substance:

At a time when many states are considering death penalty moritoriums or even abolishing capital punishment outright, Texas executes more inmates than any other state. This term, the Supreme Court is hearing four death penalty appeals arising out of the state of Texas -- the last of which, Panetti v. Quarterman, is scheduled for oral argument on April 18th.  Our panel will discuss the legal issues behind Panetti, which considers whether the Eighth Amendment permits Texas to execute a mentally ill inmate who believes he is being executed for "preaching the gospel," and will also ask whether Texas' relatively high number of executions represents a break with a developing trend among the several states.

The folks at ACS might also want to discuss that, as detailed here at DPIC, Texas has plans on Wednesday to execute James Lee Clark, who may be mentally retarded.  But, after Clark's fate is resolved, Ohio will be back "on the capital clock" for an execution scheduled for later this month.

April 9, 2007 at 11:08 AM | Permalink


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