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April 26, 2007

California compromise to cope with prison problems

This AP report provides lots of background and information about a deal worked out by California legislators to deal with the state's prison overcrowding problems.  Here are snippets:

Racing a court-imposed deadline, California's top legislative leaders on Wednesday said they had reached a wide-ranging, $6.1 billion deal to ease severe overcrowding in the nation's largest state prison system.  The agreement adds 53,000 beds, requires improvements to rehabilitation programs and allows Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to continue his strategy of transferring thousands of inmates out of state.

"The Legislature does not want a court takeover of the system ... but we will not blindly give a blank check and throw good money after bad," Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata said in a letter to the governor outlining the bipartisan deal. "A quick fix without fundamental changes and effective reform is simply running in place."...

The deal was criticized by the union representing state prison guards. Mike Jimenez, president of the California Correctional Peace Officers Association, said the agreement only creates a larger prison system with the same underlying problems. "At some point, it's going to break," he said....

Absent from the agreement is any mention of sentencing reform, although bills that would create a commission to review California's sentencing guidelines are moving independently through the Legislature.

April 26, 2007 at 09:38 AM | Permalink


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Was the prison guard union's two victim's rights groups involved in this?

Crime Victims Awareness Week March Held in Capitol
KABC By Nannette Miranda

Apr. 23, 2007 - Don't forget the victims of violent crimes. That was the message from Monday's march and rally at the State Capitol marking National Crime Victims Awareness Week, and the focus was the consequences of prison overcrowding.

On the other hand, A survey last month by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California survey found that just 34% of the public support more prison funding, with nearly two-thirds opposing it.

Posted by: George | Apr 26, 2007 1:28:30 PM

National Crime Victims' Rights Week

Victims' Rights: Every Victim. Every Time

April 22–28, 2007

California's Crime Victims March on the Capitol

(Sponsored by the California Correctional Peace Officers Association)

Posted by: George | Apr 26, 2007 3:34:05 PM

So the union's well organized minority wins again despite what Mike Jimenez says they want.

Posted by: | Apr 26, 2007 4:11:50 PM

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