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June 6, 2007

Genarlow Wilson state habeas appeal update

A scheduled hearing on Genarlow Wilson's state habeas action has the Atlanta Journal-Constitution again discussing this remarkable case with this article, entitled "Sex landed him in prison; will petition bail him out?", and this op-ed by columnist Cynthia Tucker, entitled "Genarlow Wilson should be free."  For a lot more background, check out these prior posts about the case:

UPDATE:  This AP story provides a brief account of the argument in the Wilson case today, but it has no information about whether and when a ruling on the merits might be forthcoming.

MORE:  This updated AP piece indicates that the state judge "says he'll make a decision by Monday in the case of a Georgia man who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for having consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old when he was two years older than she was."

June 6, 2007 at 09:25 AM | Permalink


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This case is the very definition of insanity. Even the never-take-a-stand Washington Post is calling for Genarlow Wilson's release. They write: "The time has come for Georgia to end this national farce." If there is any good that may come out of this case let's hope it will be the end of zero tolerance and mandatory minimums.

Posted by: Slippery Slope Of Delight | Jun 7, 2007 11:05:28 AM

The real problem is the virtual desuetude of executive clemency ... the judiciary is being asked to do things that do not properly belong to it, and then try to bend themselves backward to find a legal reason to extend habeas or other post-conviction relief. Judges and juries apply the law as it is written, the prerogative of mercy exists when (as is inevitable in human society) there is an unintended consequence that is asinine. It seems to me that the Wilson case is the kind of situation that the power to pardon is meant to address.

Posted by: Edmund Unneland | Jun 9, 2007 1:34:05 PM

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