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June 6, 2007
Insights for SCOTUS-watching season
The next few weeks are prime SCOTUS time, which means the media and commentators have a lot to discuss as we await the final rulings of the term. Thanks to Howard Bashman, here are a number of new interesting pieces for SCOTUS-watchers:
- From Joan Biskupic here in USA Today: "In June, getting five justices to agree isn't so easy; Dissenters always try to pick off one to get a majority."
- From Marcia Coyle here in the National Law Journal: "Despite Docket Drop, Justices Face Packed Homestretch; After 'B-movie' term, will Supreme Court make blockbuster rulings in final weeks?".
- From Michael Dorf here at FindLaw: "A Mootness Dismissal Illustrates the Supreme Court's Split Personality: Is it a Constitutional Court or a Court of Error?".
June 6, 2007 at 07:07 AM | Permalink
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