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June 5, 2007
Some blogosphere reaction to to the Libby sentencing
TalkLeft continues to have the most thorough and thoughtful discussion of post-sentencing Libby issues, though I have also seen posts and comments of interest at:
AL&P's post notes some of the most notable “Libby Letters” to Judge Walton and sensibly speculates: "Did they do any good? Probably not."
June 5, 2007 at 04:52 PM | Permalink
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Here's another post about the letters from emptywheel, of thenexthurrah and firedoglake and author of "anatomy of deceit."
emptywheel's take on the letters: http://thenexthurrah.typepad.com/the_next_hurrah/2007/06/on_those_letter.html#more
Lots of good insight in the comments there. It's not that the letters weren't well written- it's just that many of them were written by people who were complicit in the conspiracy, and who might be exposed to criminal charges if Libby were to testify truthfully.
So sure they want him let off the hook- becuase if he has to go to jail, he might stop putting their interests above his own.
Here's the link again to that Blumenthal piece on salon- I swear I'm not shilling for him, but I posted it a couple of threads down on that other Libby story.
Posted by: tekel | Jun 7, 2007 12:04:59 PM