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June 20, 2007

The pace of executions picking up

If executions in fact deter homicides, we should all feel extra safe over the next week.  As detailed on this page, a half dozen executions may take place in four different states over the next six days.  If all six of these executions go forward as scheduled, there will have been a total of 29 executions in the US during the first half of 2007.  This would mean that the US will be on pace to have more executions in 2007 than it had in 2006.

Given that California, Florida, Missouri and North Carolina are all still struggling to get on with executions after lethal injection scrummages, it is somewhat remarkable that the pace of executions is remaining pretty steady.  Of course, this all is primarily a story about Texas justice, since the Lone Star State is responsible for nearly 2/3 of all executions so far in 2007.

Some recent related posts:

June 20, 2007 at 05:21 PM | Permalink


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Doe the other inmates repent on the day of exectuion and beg forgivness? If so, maybe there really is a deterrent affect at work.

Evidently, that apparently is not what happens.


Facility Rules

Holman Correctional Facility, where executions occur, is locked down about two hours before a scheduled execution. The facility remains at full staff during the day with extra correctional staff added before and during the time of execution. Other facilities operate normally.

Facility Rules (TEXAS)

The facility is not locked down on the day of the execution because it is a separate facility from where the inmate was housed and is also a separate part of the Huntsville facility. Operating rules are generally no different on the day of an execution. But circumstances could require a lock-down at the facility or the inmate’s previous housing unit.

Could this explain why the murder rate is often higher in states with the DP?

Posted by: George | Jun 20, 2007 7:50:20 PM

If Florida schedules executions, since it has so many prisoners who have exhausted appeals, it's likely that there will be more executions than there were in 2005. We shall see.

Texas executed Lionel Rodriguez this evening.

Posted by: federalist | Jun 20, 2007 8:39:58 PM

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