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July 19, 2007

Assessing the links between consuming child porn and molesting

This New York Times article discusses a not-yet-published reports about research linking the comsumption of child porn to sexual molestation.  Here is how the piece begins:

Experts have often wondered what proportion of men who download explicit sexual images of children also molest them.  A new government study of convicted Internet offenders suggests that the number may be startlingly high: 85 percent of the offenders said they had committed acts of sexual abuse against minors, from inappropriate touching to rape.

The study, which has not yet been published, is stirring a vehement debate among psychologists, law enforcement officers and prison officials, who cannot agree on how the findings should be presented or interpreted.  The research, carried out by psychologists at the Federal Bureau of Prisons, is the first in-depth survey of such online offenders' sexual behavior done by prison therapists who were actively performing treatment. Its findings have circulated privately among experts, who say they could have enormous implications for public safety and law enforcement.

Traffic in online child pornography has exploded in recent years, and the new study, some experts say, should be made public as soon as possible, to identify men who claim to be "just looking at pictures" but could, in fact, be predators.  Yet others say that the results, while significant, risk tarring some men unfairly. The findings, based on offenders serving prison time who volunteered for the study, do not necessarily apply to the large and diverse group of adults who have at some point downloaded child pornography, and whose behavior is far too variable to be captured by a single survey.

Adding to the controversy, the prison bureau in April ordered the paper withdrawn from a peer-reviewed academic journal where it had been accepted for publication, apparently concerned that the results might be misinterpreted.  A spokeswoman for the bureau said the agency was reviewing a study of child pornography offenders but declined to comment further.

Excellent commentary on this Times article can be found at Crime & Consequences and at Sex Crimes.

July 19, 2007 at 12:44 PM | Permalink


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Data gathered from prisoners seeking benefits is inherently untrustworthy; false confessions arise from just such circumstances, prisoners confessing to please their questioners.

Not to suggest that there may well be sample problems and the like as well

No wonder it was pulled from the peer-review process.

Posted by: David in NY | Jul 20, 2007 11:02:42 AM

I am an RSO whose registration were to end tomorrow, July 21, 2007. I know how cruel people can be to an RSO, so I want to help. I used to own a thrift store that was chartered in Ohio as a non-profit for for the benefit of diabetics. So I know how to operate a thrift store. So, what I am thinking is to open it again, to provide assistance to registered sex offenders. We could employ them at the store. There are some vacant buildings on our main highway that would be a perfect location. But the only problem is that being an RSO has driven me into seclusion, so II don't have anyone to help me, but I already have management experience, and a college degree in accounting. If anyone would maybe volunteer some services, and help to raise some funds, I think that I could get a very profitable store going, in a very short time. I think that a thrift store for the benefit of sex offenders would also generate some news worthy events. Licking County in Ohio, which is where I live, has the largest number of sex offenders in the entire State of Ohio, and there are quite a few homeless sex offenders here.

I was sitting at my computer and have been giving some serious thought to opening up a large thrift store in our town again. And I began to wonder if there are ANY charities that provide assistance, ONLY to sex offenders.

And you know what, I couldn't find a single CHARITY organization on the internet that caters only to sex offenders. When you type in -Charity for Sex Offenders- into Google, all the entries on the first page are all in the United Kingdom. That means that of all the charities in the United States, none offer assistance to sex offenders, which of any class of human beings in the United States, needs the most support, because they cannot find housing, can't get a job, forced to live under a bridge. I'm sorry, I cannot forgive the American people for what they have done to me, and what they are doing to over 600,000 other people.

I am sure that some sex offender in Licking County, who need a job, would help me to get the thrift store going. I would need a good size truck to pick up donations, and a driver with a good clean CDL permit. I would need probably 5-6 sorters, and 3 or 4 cashiers. So I that I could get at least 10 offenders working right away. We would need volunteers at first, until we get it going, and then I think, very shortly we could be paying wages. And, I think that once we get one going, we could start opening them up around the country. It would have to be a high quality thrift store, modeled from an upscale Good Will store. I think that if we get it going, we could eventually put thousands of ex-RSO's to work, and offer treatment at regional centers, and get them out of the prisons. I bet that we could use the same tactics as these John Walsh, and the butthead Mark Lundsford, and name the store after some little murdered kid. That would make it prosperous.

I would really like to locate someone who has maybe legal training to get the paperwork going, find a location, that would allow us to open up this business. Any input on this idea? Any volunteers, legal advisers willing to volunteer your time? We need to work together on this. I am willing to work gratis.

Dave Wilson

Posted by: Dave Wilson | Jul 20, 2007 6:36:44 PM

I am an RSO whose registration were to end tomorrow, July 21, 2007. I know how cruel people can be to an RSO, so I want to help. I used to own a thrift store that was chartered in Ohio as a non-profit for for the benefit of diabetics. So I know how to operate a thrift store. So, what I am thinking is to open it again, to provide assistance to registered sex offenders. We could employ them at the store. There are some vacant buildings on our main highway that would be a perfect location. But the only problem is that being an RSO has driven me into seclusion, so II don't have anyone to help me, but I already have management experience, and a college degree in accounting. If anyone would maybe volunteer some services, and help to raise some funds, I think that I could get a very profitable store going, in a very short time. I think that a thrift store for the benefit of sex offenders would also generate some news worthy events. Licking County in Ohio, which is where I live, has the largest number of sex offenders in the entire State of Ohio, and there are quite a few homeless sex offenders here.

I was sitting at my computer and have been giving some serious thought to opening up a large thrift store in our town again. And I began to wonder if there are ANY charities that provide assistance, ONLY to sex offenders.

And you know what, I couldn't find a single CHARITY organization on the internet that caters only to sex offenders. When you type in -Charity for Sex Offenders- into Google, all the entries on the first page are all in the United Kingdom. That means that of all the charities in the United States, none offer assistance to sex offenders, which of any class of human beings in the United States, needs the most support, because they cannot find housing, can't get a job, forced to live under a bridge. I'm sorry, I cannot forgive the American people for what they have done to me, and what they are doing to over 600,000 other people.

I am sure that some sex offender in Licking County, who need a job, would help me to get the thrift store going. I would need a good size truck to pick up donations, and a driver with a good clean CDL permit. I would need probably 5-6 sorters, and 3 or 4 cashiers. So I that I could get at least 10 offenders working right away. We would need volunteers at first, until we get it going, and then I think, very shortly we could be paying wages. And, I think that once we get one going, we could start opening them up around the country. It would have to be a high quality thrift store, modeled from an upscale Good Will store. I think that if we get it going, we could eventually put thousands of ex-RSO's to work, and offer treatment at regional centers, and get them out of the prisons. I bet that we could use the same tactics as these John Walsh, and the butthead Mark Lundsford, and name the store after some little murdered kid. That would make it prosperous.

I would really like to locate someone who has maybe legal training to get the paperwork going, find a location, that would allow us to open up this business. Any input on this idea? Any volunteers, legal advisers willing to volunteer your time? We need to work together on this. I am willing to work gratis.

Dave Wilson

Posted by: Dave Wilson | Jul 20, 2007 6:37:04 PM

I am an RSO whose registration were to end tomorrow, July 21, 2007. I know how cruel people can be to an RSO, so I want to help. I used to own a thrift store that was chartered in Ohio as a non-profit for for the benefit of diabetics. So I know how to operate a thrift store. So, what I am thinking is to open it again, to provide assistance to registered sex offenders. We could employ them at the store. There are some vacant buildings on our main highway that would be a perfect location. But the only problem is that being an RSO has driven me into seclusion, so II don't have anyone to help me, but I already have management experience, and a college degree in accounting. If anyone would maybe volunteer some services, and help to raise some funds, I think that I could get a very profitable store going, in a very short time. I think that a thrift store for the benefit of sex offenders would also generate some news worthy events. Licking County in Ohio, which is where I live, has the largest number of sex offenders in the entire State of Ohio, and there are quite a few homeless sex offenders here.

I was sitting at my computer and have been giving some serious thought to opening up a large thrift store in our town again. And I began to wonder if there are ANY charities that provide assistance, ONLY to sex offenders.

And you know what, I couldn't find a single CHARITY organization on the internet that caters only to sex offenders. When you type in -Charity for Sex Offenders- into Google, all the entries on the first page are all in the United Kingdom. That means that of all the charities in the United States, none offer assistance to sex offenders, which of any class of human beings in the United States, needs the most support, because they cannot find housing, can't get a job, forced to live under a bridge. I'm sorry, I cannot forgive the American people for what they have done to me, and what they are doing to over 600,000 other people.

I am sure that some sex offender in Licking County, who need a job, would help me to get the thrift store going. I would need a good size truck to pick up donations, and a driver with a good clean CDL permit. I would need probably 5-6 sorters, and 3 or 4 cashiers. So I that I could get at least 10 offenders working right away. We would need volunteers at first, until we get it going, and then I think, very shortly we could be paying wages. And, I think that once we get one going, we could start opening them up around the country. It would have to be a high quality thrift store, modeled from an upscale Good Will store. I think that if we get it going, we could eventually put thousands of ex-RSO's to work, and offer treatment at regional centers, and get them out of the prisons. I bet that we could use the same tactics as these John Walsh, and the butthead Mark Lundsford, and name the store after some little murdered kid. That would make it prosperous.

I would really like to locate someone who has maybe legal training to get the paperwork going, find a location, that would allow us to open up this business. Any input on this idea? Any volunteers, legal advisers willing to volunteer your time? We need to work together on this. I am willing to work gratis.

Dave Wilson

Posted by: Dave Wilson | Jul 20, 2007 6:37:20 PM

I am an RSO whose registration were to end tomorrow, July 21, 2007. I know how cruel people can be to an RSO, so I want to help. I used to own a thrift store that was chartered in Ohio as a non-profit for for the benefit of diabetics. So I know how to operate a thrift store. So, what I am thinking is to open it again, to provide assistance to registered sex offenders. We could employ them at the store. There are some vacant buildings on our main highway that would be a perfect location. But the only problem is that being an RSO has driven me into seclusion, so II don't have anyone to help me, but I already have management experience, and a college degree in accounting. If anyone would maybe volunteer some services, and help to raise some funds, I think that I could get a very profitable store going, in a very short time. I think that a thrift store for the benefit of sex offenders would also generate some news worthy events. Licking County in Ohio, which is where I live, has the largest number of sex offenders in the entire State of Ohio, and there are quite a few homeless sex offenders here.

I was sitting at my computer and have been giving some serious thought to opening up a large thrift store in our town again. And I began to wonder if there are ANY charities that provide assistance, ONLY to sex offenders.

And you know what, I couldn't find a single CHARITY organization on the internet that caters only to sex offenders. When you type in -Charity for Sex Offenders- into Google, all the entries on the first page are all in the United Kingdom. That means that of all the charities in the United States, none offer assistance to sex offenders, which of any class of human beings in the United States, needs the most support, because they cannot find housing, can't get a job, forced to live under a bridge. I'm sorry, I cannot forgive the American people for what they have done to me, and what they are doing to over 600,000 other people.

I am sure that some sex offender in Licking County, who need a job, would help me to get the thrift store going. I would need a good size truck to pick up donations, and a driver with a good clean CDL permit. I would need probably 5-6 sorters, and 3 or 4 cashiers. So I that I could get at least 10 offenders working right away. We would need volunteers at first, until we get it going, and then I think, very shortly we could be paying wages. And, I think that once we get one going, we could start opening them up around the country. It would have to be a high quality thrift store, modeled from an upscale Good Will store. I think that if we get it going, we could eventually put thousands of ex-RSO's to work, and offer treatment at regional centers, and get them out of the prisons. I bet that we could use the same tactics as these John Walsh, and the butthead Mark Lundsford, and name the store after some little murdered kid. That would make it prosperous.

I would really like to locate someone who has maybe legal training to get the paperwork going, find a location, that would allow us to open up this business. Any input on this idea? Any volunteers, legal advisers willing to volunteer your time? We need to work together on this. I am willing to work gratis.

Dave Wilson

Posted by: Dave Wilson | Jul 20, 2007 6:37:26 PM

I am an RSO whose registration were to end tomorrow, July 21, 2007. I know how cruel people can be to an RSO, so I want to help. I used to own a thrift store that was chartered in Ohio as a non-profit for for the benefit of diabetics. So I know how to operate a thrift store. So, what I am thinking is to open it again, to provide assistance to registered sex offenders. We could employ them at the store. There are some vacant buildings on our main highway that would be a perfect location. But the only problem is that being an RSO has driven me into seclusion, so II don't have anyone to help me, but I already have management experience, and a college degree in accounting. If anyone would maybe volunteer some services, and help to raise some funds, I think that I could get a very profitable store going, in a very short time. I think that a thrift store for the benefit of sex offenders would also generate some news worthy events. Licking County in Ohio, which is where I live, has the largest number of sex offenders in the entire State of Ohio, and there are quite a few homeless sex offenders here.

I was sitting at my computer and have been giving some serious thought to opening up a large thrift store in our town again. And I began to wonder if there are ANY charities that provide assistance, ONLY to sex offenders.

And you know what, I couldn't find a single CHARITY organization on the internet that caters only to sex offenders. When you type in -Charity for Sex Offenders- into Google, all the entries on the first page are all in the United Kingdom. That means that of all the charities in the United States, none offer assistance to sex offenders, which of any class of human beings in the United States, needs the most support, because they cannot find housing, can't get a job, forced to live under a bridge. I'm sorry, I cannot forgive the American people for what they have done to me, and what they are doing to over 600,000 other people.

I am sure that some sex offender in Licking County, who need a job, would help me to get the thrift store going. I would need a good size truck to pick up donations, and a driver with a good clean CDL permit. I would need probably 5-6 sorters, and 3 or 4 cashiers. So I that I could get at least 10 offenders working right away. We would need volunteers at first, until we get it going, and then I think, very shortly we could be paying wages. And, I think that once we get one going, we could start opening them up around the country. It would have to be a high quality thrift store, modeled from an upscale Good Will store. I think that if we get it going, we could eventually put thousands of ex-RSO's to work, and offer treatment at regional centers, and get them out of the prisons. I bet that we could use the same tactics as these John Walsh, and the butthead Mark Lundsford, and name the store after some little murdered kid. That would make it prosperous.

I would really like to locate someone who has maybe legal training to get the paperwork going, find a location, that would allow us to open up this business. Any input on this idea? Any volunteers, legal advisers willing to volunteer your time? We need to work together on this. I am willing to work gratis.

Dave Wilson

Posted by: Dave Wilson | Jul 20, 2007 6:37:36 PM

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