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July 4, 2007

Holiday Libby reading thanks to the Huffington Post

The fine folks at The Huffington Post have driven up my hit rates by linking to this long-ago post comparing the now-free-from-prison lucky Libby Lewis to the imprisoned unlucky Victor Rita whose 33-month prison sentence was affirmed last month by the Supreme Court as reasonable.  (One interesting side-note from the Supreme Court's Rita opinions: though President Bush decided Scooter Libby's prison term was "excessive," Justice Scalia described Victor Rita's longer prison term for the same crimes as a "relatively low sentence.")

Returning the favor, let me link to Arianna Huffington's strong piece rightly emphasizing that "Libby commutation -- like the war in Iraq, like the war on drugs, like global warming -- is not an issue that splits along right/left lines."  There is also a lot of other good holiday reading about Libby and other topics at THP.

July 4, 2007 at 12:55 PM | Permalink


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