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July 22, 2007

Sunday sentencing headlines

Here are a few stories from the Sunday papers that should be of interest to sentencing fans:

July 22, 2007 at 08:39 AM | Permalink


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Having been an inmate in Federal prison, I have seen first hand those, like Genarlow, who are serving sentences that are far too harsh for their crime.

That said, every choice has a consequence and Genarlow, like myself, reap what we sow. Now before I receive a deluge of comments related to the fairness of the sentence, let me say...I'm not commenting on fair.

I took my experience and turned it into good. Through the Choices Foundation (a non-profit I established http://www.chuckgallagher.com/foundation.php) I speak to young people about the effects of the choices they make. Genarlow's sentence may be unfair, but he made a choice that today he's paying a huge price for. Perhaps if young people understood that every choice has a consequence...they might think twice.

The other day at a presentation before a group of young folks a young man said, "It ain't deceipt if you don't get caught!" My role as an ex-con and Motivational Speaker is to turn attitudes like that around. Our young people desperately need to understand the law of reaping what we sow is not optional.

Posted by: Chuck Gallagher | Jul 22, 2007 10:35:48 AM

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