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August 8, 2007

Nine lives of shame in Thailand

A kind reader flagged this amusing story about a new initiative in Thailand using a shaming sanction.  Here are the basics:

It is the pink armband of shame for wayward police officers, as cute as can be with a Hello Kitty face and a pair of linked hearts.  No matter how many ribbons for valor a Thai officer may wear, if he parks in the wrong place, or shows up late for work, or is seen dropping a bit of litter on the sidewalk, he can be ordered to wear the insignia.

"Simple warnings no longer work," said Pongpat Chayaphan, acting chief of the Crime Suppression Division in Bangkok, who instituted the new humiliation this week.  "This new twist is expected to make them feel guilt and shame and prevent them from repeating the offense, no matter how minor," he said. "Kitty is a cute icon for young girls. It’s not something macho police officers want covering their biceps."

Rumor has it that if this shaming sanction does not work, misbehaving police will be required to watch repeated showings of Disney's High School Musical and its forthcoming sequel.

August 8, 2007 at 08:28 AM | Permalink


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