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August 16, 2007

Reports of Vick plea deal including prison time

Longest_yardThis CNN report provides the latest news and rumors concerning a possible plea deal for Michael Vick.  Here are the basics:

Michael Vick is considering joining two co-defendants who will ask a judge Friday to sign off on their plea agreements in a federal dogfighting case, according to a spokesman and published reports. The deal offered by federal prosecutors recommends that the Atlanta Falcons quarterback serve a year in prison, The Virginian-Pilot reported in its Thursday editions. The newspaper quotes two anonymous sources.

Some related Vick posts:

August 16, 2007 at 02:17 PM | Permalink


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He kills dogs, and the NFL is considering whether they want him in thier club? I no longer watch football.

Posted by: WannabeWasp | Aug 16, 2007 3:08:53 PM

It doesn't matter whether he is convicted of a felony or not......He has proven himself guilty by debating on whether to take a plea deal or not.......he SHOULD NOT be allowed to play in the NFL again.......No 1 or 2 season suspension, etc........FOREVER.......and if they do let him play again, well, someone else can watch football......This person will be done with it.

Posted by: Mike B | Aug 17, 2007 4:21:28 AM

Vick wasn't too concerned about his NFL carrier prior to getting caught.

If Vick is allowed to continue his football career after this, I can promise that this avid fan will NOT be watching.

Posted by: Jo Ann | Aug 17, 2007 7:38:31 AM

Behavior that has been admitted must not be tolerated in the professional realm - no more NFL football for the subject Defendant.

Posted by: r p | Aug 21, 2007 5:27:15 PM

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