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September 26, 2007

What will be the ripples of Baze in the states?

Today brings more than a few good media reviews of the Baze lethal injection cert grant and what it might mean for the death penalty throughout the United States.  For example, BBC News has this extended piece entitled "US lethal injection: end of the line?" and Stateline.org has this strong piece entitled "Lethal injection goes on trial, but goes on."  Also of interest are local pieces, such as articles in papers from Arizona and Maryland and Ohio and Washington, exploring what the Baze case might mean for on-going lethal injection debates in their back yards.

Few should be too surprised that Texas was able to go forward with an execution last night (basics here), especially because the defendant executed by Texas apparently had not previously brought a lethal injection challenge.  But, as this local story details, Alabama has an execution scheduled for tomorrow night.  And, as detailed here, the next few weeks also includes serious executions dates in Arkansas and Virginia.

It is a certainty that defense attorneys will seek stays based on the Baze cert grant.  Whether these stays will be granted (and by whom) is the story to watch over the next month or so.

UPDATE:  Howard Bashman has a nice round-up here of media coverage of the Baze cert grant, including links to a number of local articles examining the possible local impact of the case.

September 26, 2007 at 04:49 PM | Permalink


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Doug, do you know whether the Alabama inmate actually had lethal injection litigation pending before the grant in Baze? Is he differently situated from the Texas inmate?

Posted by: anonymouse | Sep 26, 2007 4:54:03 PM

I think you can pretty much count on Gov. Kaine staying the execution upcoming in Virginia. He opposes the death penalty, and will therefore postpone the execution as soon as possible.

Arizona set a date for Landrigan, and Nevada set a date for a volunteer. The federal courts took almost a decade to deal with Landrigan's habeas case--they have no business interfering with Landrigan's execution now.

Posted by: federalist | Sep 27, 2007 1:29:18 AM

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