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October 5, 2007

Local coverage of JEC hearing on mass incarceration

Disappointingly, I see only a bit of local coverage of yesterday's congressional hearing by the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) entitled, "Mass Incarceration in the United States: At What Cost?".  Nevertheless, the Richmond Times Dispatch provides nice coverage in two articles: one piece entitled "Webb panel looks at toll of incarceration: Lawmakers examine cost, racial makeup of prisons in U.S." and another piece entitled "Confronting problem of prisons."

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October 5, 2007 at 08:44 AM | Permalink


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I think it interesting how few scholarly comments there are whenever Prof. Berman posts about our incarceration nation. Can they only fiddle with the minutia of the guidelines while our nation shames itself on a massive scale?

Posted by: Anonymous | Oct 6, 2007 5:24:02 PM

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