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October 6, 2007

My favorite and most regular blawg reads

The folks at Blawg Review have created this meme throughout the blawgosphere urging the creation of a "list of blawgs that are 'simply the best.'"  Because I think a "best" label is inapt for a medium that is so diverse, I am going to categorize my list and label it a bit differently.  (Also, for conflict-of-interest reasons, I am leaving off various members of the Law Professor Blogs Network, even though CrimProf Blog and White Collar Crime Prof are regular reads.)  Here goes:


Sentencing/crim justice issues:

General (and almost exclusively) law:

General law-related chatter:

As I look over this list (and consider other blawgs that did not quite make the list), it is clear that I am especially drawn to blawgs that post frequently and that generally provide a good deal of original content (and links) concerning issues that are not being thoroughly covered in the mainstream media.

October 6, 2007 at 11:39 AM | Permalink


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» My Favorite 10 from Sex Crimes
I'm a little late to this meme about a blogger's 10 favorite blogs. I want to issue a big thanks to A Public Defender for listing Sex Crimes. For my part, these are the 10 blogs I read most often [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 2, 2007 5:53:39 PM


Professor, if I may suggest another site, though not a blog, that could be of interest to many if they are not aware of it: www.prisontalk.com.

What is most striking about it is the utter confusion and devastation of the friends and family of prisoners who predominantly post there. Sentencing sometimes takes into consideration the defendant's family and www.prisontalk.com can make the reasons more real and accessible.

This is not meant as an "anti-punishment" post, but is only meant to reveal another factor in the sentencing equation. Perhaps the Victim's Bill of Rights should include the family of the sentenced who are indirectly, in many ways, also victims of the crime. Indeed, for victimless crimes like simple drug possession, they may be the only victims.

Posted by: George | Oct 6, 2007 12:50:37 PM

George, Your idea is precisely why VBORs are stupid. Rather than let the parties present evidence anyone and anyone can now come forward with irrelevant reasons why someone should be punished more or less.

Posted by: S.cotus | Oct 8, 2007 6:05:10 PM

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