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October 16, 2007

New ABA publication on "Mental Health and Criminal Justice System"

I just received in my in-box this announcement: "The ABA Section of Criminal Justice is pleased to announce the online availability of the Fall 2007 Special Issue of Criminal Justice Magazine, 'The Criminally Mentally Ill', at this link."  The issues looks like a great read from start to finish, and here are some of the feature articles that should be of special interest to sentencing fans:

October 16, 2007 at 01:38 PM | Permalink


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The reason I'm not a member of the ABA is because of stuff like this. I have no problem with death penalty opponents stating their claims as Prof. Mello does in this publication -- but where's the other side? And if mental health courts are so good, why do we still have lots of purportedly mentally ill folks in the CJ system?

Posted by: | Oct 16, 2007 3:21:19 PM

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